I've been constantly switching between my two OSs, Win7 and Linux Mint for just flashing a ROM to my Xperia device. And ofcourse, I hate being in Windows. So, I found this nice little method to do the same in my Linux.
Credits go to these two pages:
1. First of all go to
2. Extract the 7z then the TAR somewhere and you find the directory FlashTool
3. Now some configuring, first of all you need a package called libusb. By the time you might come to this post the lib may get upgraded so just use your head to handle the scenarios a bit. First off, go to the site
5. Type
7. Now type
8. Type
Credits go to these two pages:
1. First of all go to
http://www.flashtool.net/downloads.phpand download the Linux version
2. Extract the 7z then the TAR somewhere and you find the directory FlashTool
3. Now some configuring, first of all you need a package called libusb. By the time you might come to this post the lib may get upgraded so just use your head to handle the scenarios a bit. First off, go to the site
http://libusbx.organd download the latest tar.bz2 version. 4. Place it somewhere and cd into that directory
5. Type
sudo su6. You're given root rights, type
tar xvf $(ls | grep "libusb")This will extract the tar.bz2 file you've downloaded, considering that directory has no other file whose name contains "libusb".
7. Now type
cd $(ls | grep "libusb")and you'll be inside the extracted directory.
8. Type
$ sudo su $ ./configure && make && make install && sudo ldconfig9. Now type this command the configure some USB settings for Flashing interface
sudo cp /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/80-persistent-usb.rules10. Open that newly created file in nano using
sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/80-persistent-usb.rules11. Add these lines to the end of the document
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0fce", SYSFS{idProduct}=="*", MODE="0777"12. Most of the hard part is done, now just a final installation of the ia32-libs using
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs13. Now you're good to go just go to the directory where your Flash Tool executable is and just type