Saturday, September 11, 2010

[UVa] 11437 - Triangle Fun

A very naive solution method. I found the theorems and applied them in the most funny way possible. Wish I knew better methods.

Methods used:
1. Hiron's for getting the area of the triangle from the lengths
2. High School straight lines theorems.

#include <iostream.h>
#include <math.h>
#define DEN (Y4-Y3)*(X2-X1) - (X4-X3)*(Y2-Y1)

int fraction(double Ax, double Ay, double Bx, double By, double &Px, double &Py) {

double Ka=1, Kb=2;

Px = (Ka*Bx + Kb*Ax)/(Ka + Kb);
Py = (Ka*By + Kb*Ay)/(Ka + Kb);

return 0;

int intersection(double &X, double &Y, double X1, double X2, double X3, double X4, double Y1, double Y2, double Y3, double Y4) {
double UA;
double UB;

UA = ((X4-X3)*(Y1-Y3) - (Y4-Y3)*(X1-X3)) / (DEN);
UB = ((X2-X1)*(Y1-Y3) - (Y2-Y1)*(X1-X3)) / (DEN);

X = X1 + UA*(X2-X1);
Y = Y1 + UA*(Y2-Y1);

return 0;

int length(double X1,double X2,double Y1,double Y2,double &len) {
len = sqrt(pow(X1-X2,2) + pow(Y1-Y2,2));

int main() {


double Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, Ka, Kb, Px, Py, Area1, Area2;
double F_1x, F_1y, F_2x, F_2y, F_3x, F_3y;
double F_Ax, F_Ay,F_Bx,F_By,F_Cx,F_Cy;
double a, b, c, s;
int n;


while (n--) {

scanf("%lf %lf",&Ax,&Ay);
scanf("%lf %lf",&Bx,&By);
scanf("%lf %lf",&Cx,&Cy);


intersection(F_Ax, F_Ay,F_2x,Ax,F_1x,Cx,F_2y,Ay,F_1y,Cy);


s = (double)1/2 * (a+b+c);
return 0;

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