Thursday, September 02, 2010

[UVa] 443 - Humble Numbers

This solution uses a simple DP. Keeps a mark on the numbers that are generating the smooths. Then checks for the highest and sets it is the next. A slight modification will solve the 136th Problem, namely ugly numbers.

#include <iostream>
#define LIMIT 5842
#define INTH (long long)1e100

int main() {

long long num[5]={2,3,5,7}, deg[5]={0};
long long ugly[LIMIT]={1}, i, j, cur;
char numq[10], print[10]; int numenq;

for (i=0 ; i<=LIMIT ; i++) ugly[i]=1;
for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) deg[i]=0;

for (i=1 ; i<LIMIT ; i++) {


for (j=0 ; j<4 ; j++) {
if (cur>ugly[deg[j]]*num[j])


for (j=0 ; j<4 ; j++) {
if (cur == (ugly[deg[j]]*num[j]))


while (scanf("%s",numq)==1) {


if (numenq==0) break;

if (numq[strlen(numq)-1]=='1'&&numq[strlen(numq)-2]!='1') strcpy(print,"st");
else if (numq[strlen(numq)-1]=='2'&&numq[strlen(numq)-2]!='1') strcpy(print,"nd");
else if (numq[strlen(numq)-1]=='3'&&numq[strlen(numq)-2]!='1') strcpy(print,"rd");
else strcpy(print,"th");

printf("The %d%s humble number is %lld.\n",numenq,print,ugly[numenq-1]);

return 0;


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