Friday, September 03, 2010

[UVa] 583 - Prime Factors

All that is gonna keep you from solving this is some TLE, RTE and maybe a bit WA 'cuz of impatient carelessness to higher bounds. Generate a prime table using a sieve. Then do just what you have to do. Don't wanna explain the outputs here, see the code.

Just test it with these inputs before submitting:


Output will be:

2147483647 = 2147483647
-2147483647 = -1 x 2147483647

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
int primes[7000];
bool marks[60000];

int sieve2(int n)

int i, j, k;


marks[0] = marks[1] = false;

for (i=4 ; i<n ; i+=2)

for (i=3 ; i*i<n ; i+=2)
if (marks[i]==true)
for (j=i*i ; j<n ; j+=(2*i))


for (i=2, j=0 ; i<=n ; i++)
if (marks[i]==true)

return j-1;


int main() {

int i, j, q;
int mark=sieve2(60000);

while (scanf("%d",&q) && q)

printf("%d =",q);

if (q<0)
printf(" -1 x");

if (q==1)
printf(" 1\n");

for (j=0 ; primes[j]<q && j<mark ; j++)
while (q%primes[j]==0)
if (q>1)printf(" %d x",primes[j]);
else printf(" %d",primes[j]);


if (q>1)
printf(" %d",q);


return 0;


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