Sunday, October 10, 2010

[UVa] 10780 - Again Prime? No Time

The main principle behind this problem is ofcourse that "To know if m divides n! you have to find all the prime factors of m in n atleast as many times as they are in m".
But here's another degree of that. You have to get the power of m that divides n!.

Just a simple modification of the original method. Suppose m^k divides n!. So all the prime factors in m^k will be in n.
Now if the prime factorization of m^1 are x^1 x y^1 and m^k divides n! then
prime factorization of m^k is x^(1xk) + y^(1xk). Then finding the minimal level at which the powers of the prime factors of m and n are matched you get k because then the power is common at both the areas.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define P_MAX 5000
int ver[P_MAX+3]={0};
int prs[P_MAX+3];
int divs[2000][2];
int max(int a, int b) {
if (a>b) return a;
else return b;
int min(int a, int b) {
if (a<b) return a;
else return b;

int gen(int lim_HPRIME) {
int i, j, k=0;

for (i=4 ; i<=lim_HPRIME ; i+=2) {
ver[i] = 1;

for (i=3 ; i<=lim_HPRIME ; i+=2) {
for (j=i*i ; j>0 && j<=lim_HPRIME ; j+=i*2) {
for (i=2 ; i<=lim_HPRIME ; i++) {
if (!ver[i]) prs[k++]=i;

return k;

int get(int n, int p) {
int count=0, m=p;

while (n/m>0) {
count += n/m;

return count;

int main() {


int nCASES, m, n, dc, res, tmp_m, tmp_n, kount=1, i, p=gen(P_MAX), mx_n, mx_m;

while (nCASES--) {
scanf("%d %d",&m,&n);
printf("Case %d:\n",kount++);

mx_m = 99999;
for (i=0, tmp_m=m, tmp_n=n, dc=0 ; i<p && prs[i]<=m ; i++) {

/*tmp_m = m;*/

if (tmp_m%prs[i]==0) {
while (tmp_m%prs[i]==0) {
/*mx_m = min(mx_m,divs[dc][1]);*/
if (tmp_m > 1) {
divs[dc][0] = tmp_m;
divs[dc][1] = 1;

/*for (i=0 ; i<dc ; i++) {
printf("%d %d\n",divs[i][0],divs[i][1]);

mx_n = 99999;
for (i=0 ; i<dc ; i++) {
mx_n = min(mx_n,res/divs[i][1]);
if (res<divs[i][1])
if (i<dc)
printf("Impossible to divide\n");
else {

return 0;


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