#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; int c[300][300], b[300][300], print1[300], print2[300]; int printer(int i, int j, int *x, int *print) { int k=0; while (i>0 || j>0) { if (b[i][j]==1) { print[k++]=x[i]; i--; j--; } else if (b[i][j]==2) { i--; } else { j--; } } return k; } int lcs(int *x, int *y, int size_a, int size_b) { int m = size_a, n = size_b, i, j; for (i=0 ; i<=m ; i++) { for (j=0 ; j<=n ; j++) { c[i][j]=b[i][j]=0; } } for (i=1 ; i<m ; i++) { for (j=1 ; j<n ; j++) { if (x[i]==y[j]) { c[i][j] = c[i-1][j-1]+1; b[i][j]=1; } else { if (c[i-1][j]>=c[i][j-1]) { c[i][j]=c[i-1][j]; b[i][j]=2; } else { c[i][j]=c[i][j-1]; b[i][j]=3; } } } } return c[i-1][j-1]; } class v { public: string word; int id; }; string s; int main() { while (1) { if (cin >> s) { map<string,int>l1; v wordList[300]={"",0}; int i, l1_count=1, seq1_len=1, seq2_len=1, sizer, size1, size2, *print; int seq1[200], seq2[200]; l1[s]=l1_count; wordList[l1_count].id = l1_count; wordList[l1_count].word=s; seq1[ seq1_len++ ] = l1_count++; while (cin >> s && s!="#") { if (l1[s]) { seq1[ seq1_len++ ] = l1[s]; } else { l1[ s ] = l1_count; wordList[l1_count].id = l1_count; wordList[l1_count].word = s; seq1[ seq1_len++ ] = l1_count++; } } while (cin >> s && s!="#") { if (l1[s]) { seq2[ seq2_len++ ] = l1[s]; } else { l1[ s ] = l1_count; wordList[l1_count].id = l1_count; wordList[l1_count].word = s; seq2[ seq2_len++ ] = l1_count++; } } size1 = lcs(seq1,seq2,seq1_len,seq2_len); printer(seq1_len-1,seq2_len-1, seq1, print1); size2 = lcs(seq2,seq1,seq2_len,seq1_len); printer(seq2_len-1,seq1_len-1, seq2, print2); if (size1>size2) { print = &print1[0]; sizer=size1; } else { print = &print2[0]; sizer=size2; } for (i=sizer-1 ; i>0 ; i--) { cout << wordList[print[i]].word << " "; } cout << wordList[print[i]].word << endl; } else { break; } } return 0; }
Friday, September 30, 2011
[UVa] 531 - Compromise
Critical case: Normally you'd just check Part 1 against Part 2. But checking Part 2 agianst Part 1 might yield a better result.
Monday, September 26, 2011
[UVa] 10004 - Bicoloring
First color the whole graph using DFS
Then recheck the given edge list for common colors in vertexes.
First color the whole graph using DFS
Then recheck the given edge list for common colors in vertexes.
#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #define MI INT_MAX #define ULONG unsigned long long #define LLONG long long #define swap(a,b) {int t=a ; a=b ; b=t; } #define sz(a) sizeof(a) #define FOR(i, a, b) for (i=a ; i<b ; i++) #define QSORT(a,n,s,f) qsort(a,n,sizeof(s),f) using namespace std; bool state; int c[1000], color[1000], clr, n, adj[1000][1000], list[1000][2]; void dfs_core(int i, int n, int p) { int j; color[i]=true; if (p<0) c[i]=0; else c[i]=(p+1)%2; FOR(j, 0, n) { if (!color[j] && adj[i][j]) { dfs_core(j,n,c[i]); } } } void dfs_shell(int n) { int i; clr=0; FOR(i, 0, n) { color[i]=false; c[i]=-1; } FOR(i, 0, n) { if (!color[i]) dfs_core(i,n,c[i]); } } int main() { int i, j, x, y, e; while (scanf("%d",&n) && n) { FOR(i, 0, n) { FOR(j, 0, n) { adj[i][j]=0; } } scanf("%d",&e); FOR(i, 0, e) { scanf("%d %d",&x,&y); adj[x][y]=adj[y][x]=1; list[i][0]=x; list[i][1]=y; } dfs_shell(n); state=true; FOR(i, 0, e) { if (c[list[i][0]]==c[list[i][1]]) { state=false; break; } } if (state) { printf("BICOLORABLE.\n"); } else { printf("NOT BICOLORABLE.\n"); } } return 0; }
Friday, September 16, 2011
[UVa] 495 - Fibonacci Freeze
import java.util.Scanner; import java.math.BigInteger; /** * * @author Tafhim */ public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { BigInteger[] fibs = new BigInteger[5004]; fibs[0] = BigInteger.ZERO; fibs[1] = BigInteger.ONE; for (int i=2 ; i<=5000 ; i++) { fibs[i] = fibs[i-1].add(fibs[i-2]); } Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); int q; while (input.hasNext()) { q = input.nextInt(); System.out.printf("The Fibonacci number for %d is %d\n",q,fibs[q]); } } }
Friday, September 09, 2011
Important links
Series and Sums
Programming help [Algorithms, Codes, Links]:
Mehadi Bhai's Blog
Shafaet's Blog
Fahim Bhai's Site
Fahim Bhai's Page
Online Judge [Contest, Problems, Virtual Contests]
Series and Sums
Programming help [Algorithms, Codes, Links]:
Mehadi Bhai's Blog
Shafaet's Blog
Fahim Bhai's Site
Fahim Bhai's Page
Online Judge [Contest, Problems, Virtual Contests]
[UVa] 10642 - Can you solve it?
Draw the coordinate system but start from 1 not 0, just to escape negative value problems. Draw it like a triangle where the top has 1. Now see that on the right side, every i-th number is the sum of all numbers till i.
1 = 1x(1+1)/2
3 = 2x(2+1)/2
6 = 3x(3+1)/2
10 = 4x(4+1)/2
15 = 5x(5+1)/2
So, given the x coordinate you can find the first number in that row using X*(X+1)/2, BUT make X=X+1 first.
To find the Y-th element (in my case (Y+1)-th, you can use the formula
S = a + (a+d) + (a+2d) + ... + [a + (n-1)d] = n[2a + (n-1)d]/2
But you have to modify it a bit first. This is derived from the analysis that every number in a row has some initial numbers lost except the first row. In X=2, 2 is not in the series, in X=3, 3 and 4 are not in the series. This keeps increasing by 1 at every i. So the series is
Y[0], Y[0]+1x1, Y[0]+1x2, Y[0]+1x3 ......
So you can simply use the formula with a=0 and n=Y+(X-1). Just add X to that.
Find both the numbers this way and print their difference. Done!!!.
A useful link for Summation formulas
Draw the coordinate system but start from 1 not 0, just to escape negative value problems. Draw it like a triangle where the top has 1. Now see that on the right side, every i-th number is the sum of all numbers till i.
1 = 1x(1+1)/2
3 = 2x(2+1)/2
6 = 3x(3+1)/2
10 = 4x(4+1)/2
15 = 5x(5+1)/2
So, given the x coordinate you can find the first number in that row using X*(X+1)/2, BUT make X=X+1 first.
To find the Y-th element (in my case (Y+1)-th, you can use the formula
S = a + (a+d) + (a+2d) + ... + [a + (n-1)d] = n[2a + (n-1)d]/2
But you have to modify it a bit first. This is derived from the analysis that every number in a row has some initial numbers lost except the first row. In X=2, 2 is not in the series, in X=3, 3 and 4 are not in the series. This keeps increasing by 1 at every i. So the series is
Y[0], Y[0]+1x1, Y[0]+1x2, Y[0]+1x3 ......
So you can simply use the formula with a=0 and n=Y+(X-1). Just add X to that.
Find both the numbers this way and print their difference. Done!!!.
A useful link for Summation formulas
#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #define MI INT_MAX #define ULONG unsigned long long #define LLONG long long #define swap(a,b) {int t=a ; a=b ; b=t; } #define sz(a) sizeof(a) #define FOR(i, a, b) for (i=a ; i<b ; i++) #define QSORT(a,n,s,f) qsort(a,n,sizeof(s),f) using namespace std; int sum(int a, int n) { return n*(2*a+(n-1)*1)/2; } int main() { int test, kase=1, x1, x2, y1, y2, num1, num2, temp, n, a; scanf("%d",&test); while (test--) { scanf("%d %d %d %d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); x1++; x2++; y1++; y2++; num1 = x1+(sum(0,y1+(x1-1))); num2 = x2+(sum(0,y2+(x2-1))); printf("Case %d: %d\n",kase++,num2-num1); } return 0; }
Thursday, September 08, 2011
[UVa] 11057 - Exact Sum
#include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #define MI INT_MAX #define ULONG unsigned long long #define LLONG long long #define swap(a,b) {int t=a ; a=b ; b=t; } #define sz(a) sizeof(a) #define FOR(i, a, b) for (i=a ; i<b ; i++) #define QSORT(a,n,s,f) qsort(a,n,sizeof(s),f) using namespace std; int a[20000]={0}; bool cmp(int x, int y) { return (x<y); } int cmp2(const void *a, const void *b) { return (*(int*)a - *(int*)b); } int main() { int n, i, val, *p, x, s, maxDiff, pX, pY; while (scanf("%d",&n)==1) { for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } scanf("%d",&val); QSORT(a,n,int,cmp2); maxDiff = 9999999; for (i=0 ; i<n-1 ; i++) { x=a[i]; s = val-x; p = NULL; p = (int*)bsearch(&s,&a[i+1],n-i-1,sizeof(int),cmp2); if (p) { if (abs((*p)-x)<maxDiff) { pX = x; pY = (*p); maxDiff = abs((*p)-x); } } } if (pX>pY) swap(pX,pY); printf("Peter should buy books whose prices are %d and %d.\n\n",pX,pY); } return 0; }
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
I'm making a shift to Wordpress from Blogger. It's disappointing how Blogger sucks so much after my being such a dedicated user for over 5 years. No more. I'm tired of downtimes and slow site access.
Please visit my new site at : http://www.tafhimui.wordpress.com
I'll still be updating this site in hopes of Blogger becoming a good host some day.
Please visit my new site at : http://www.tafhimui.wordpress.com
I'll still be updating this site in hopes of Blogger becoming a good host some day.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
[UVa] 10191 - Longest Nap
A much complex and inefficient solution follows. This one is simpler and more efficient.
/* --------------------------> BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM <------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------> Tafhim Ul Islam [ CSE-09@IIUC ] <--------------------------- */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #define MI INT_MAX #define ULONG unsigned long long #define LLONG long long #define swap(a,b) {int t=a ; a=b ; b=t; } #define sz(a) sizeof(a) #define FOR(i, a, b) for (i=a ; i<b ; i++) #define QSORT(a,n,s,f) qsort(a,n,sizeof(s),f) using namespace std; char input[1000]; struct timex { int start; int end; } array[500]; bool cmp(timex x, timex y) { return (x.start < y.start); } int main() { int nTask, i, maxStart, maxInterval, interval; int hour1, hour2, minute1, minute2, hour, minute, j, day=1; while ( cin >> nTask ) { getchar(); i=0; array[i].start = 600; array[i].end = 600; for (i=1 ; i<=nTask ; i++) { gets(input); sscanf(input,"%d:%d %d:%d",&hour1,&minute1,&hour2,&minute2); array[i].start = hour1*60 + minute1; array[i].end = hour2*60 + minute2; } array[i].start = 1080; array[i].end = 1080; i++; sort(array,array+i,cmp); for (j=1, maxInterval=-1 ; j<=nTask+1 ; j++) { interval = array[j].start-array[j-1].end; if (interval > maxInterval) { maxStart = array[j-1].end; maxInterval = interval; } } hour = (int)maxStart/60; minute = maxStart%60; if (maxInterval>=60) printf("Day #%d: the longest nap starts at %d:%.2d and will last for %d hours and %d minutes.\n",day++,hour,minute,(int)maxInterval/60,maxInterval%60); else printf("Day #%d: the longest nap starts at %d:%.2d and will last for %d minutes.\n",day++,hour,minute,maxInterval); } return 0; }
/* --------------------------> BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM <------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------> Tafhim Ul Islam [ CSE-09@IIUC ] <--------------------------- */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #define MI INT_MAX #define ULONG unsigned long long #define LLONG long long #define swap(a,b) {int t=a ; a=b ; b=t; } #define sz(a) sizeof(a) #define FOR(i, a, b) for (i=a ; i<b ; i++) #define QSORT(a,n,s,f) qsort(a,n,sizeof(s),f) using namespace std; char inp[10000]; int data[60][60]; struct time { int h, m; } initTime, maxInitTime; int napTimer, maxNapTimer; void setter(int hour1, int minute1, int hour2, int minute2) { int i, j, jLimit; for (i=hour1 ; i<=hour2 ; i++) { if (i==hour1) j=minute1; else j=0; if (i==hour2) jLimit=minute2-1; else jLimit = 59; for ( ; j<=jLimit ; j++) { data[i][j]=1; } } } void parser(char *inp) { int i, j, hour1, hour2, minute1, minute2; char h[10]; for (i=0 ; !(inp[i]>='0') && !(inp[i]<='9') ; i++); // Skipping initial blanks for (i, j=0 ; inp[i]>='0' && inp[i]<='9' ; i++, j++) { h[j]=inp[i]; } h[j]='\0'; hour1 = atoi(h); for (i ; inp[i]!=':' ; i++); for (i ; inp[i]==':' ; i++); for (i ; !(inp[i]>='0') && !(inp[i]<='9') ; i++); for (i, j=0 ; inp[i]>='0' && inp[i]<='9' ; i++, j++) { h[j]=inp[i]; } h[j]='\0'; minute1 = atoi(h); //cout << " --> " << i << endl; for (i ; inp[i]==' ' ; i++); //Skipping spaces for (i, j=0 ; inp[i]>='0' && inp[i]<='9' ; i++, j++) { h[j]=inp[i]; } h[j]='\0'; hour2 = atoi(h); for (i ; inp[i]!=':' ; i++); for (i ; inp[i]==':' ; i++); for (i ; !(inp[i]>='0') && !(inp[i]<='9') ; i++); for (i, j=0 ; inp[i]>='0' && inp[i]<='9' ; i++, j++) { h[j]=inp[i]; } h[j]='\0'; minute2 = atoi(h); setter(hour1, minute1, hour2, minute2); } void initData() { int i, j; for (i=10 ; i<=20 ; i++) { for (j=0 ; j<=60 ; j++) { data[i][j]=0; } } } void napFinder() { bool napOpen; napTimer=0; maxNapTimer=-1; maxInitTime={-1,-1}; initTime={-1,-1}; int i, j; napOpen=false; if (data[10][0]==0) { //napOpen=true; initTime={10,0}; } for (i=10 ; i<18 ; i++) { //cout << "\t" << i << endl; for (j=0 ; j<=59 ; j++) { if (data[i][j]==0) { if (napOpen) { napTimer++; } else { napOpen=true; initTime={i,j}; napTimer=0; } } else { if (napOpen) { napOpen=false; if (napTimer>maxNapTimer) { maxNapTimer=napTimer; maxInitTime=initTime; //cout << " -> " << napTimer << endl; napTimer=0; } } else { napTimer=0; } } } } if (napOpen) { napOpen=false; if (napTimer>maxNapTimer) { maxNapTimer=napTimer; maxInitTime=initTime; napTimer=0; } } } int main() { //freopen("input.txt","r+",stdin); //freopen("output.txt","w+",stdout); int nTask, i, hours, minutes, kase=1; char maxInitTimeHourPrint[100], maxInitTimeMinutePrint[100]; while (cin >> nTask) { getchar(); initData(); for (i=0 ; i<nTask ; i++) { gets(inp); parser(inp); } napFinder(); maxNapTimer++; hours = maxNapTimer / 60; if (maxNapTimer%60) minutes = maxNapTimer%60; if (maxInitTime.h>9) sprintf(maxInitTimeHourPrint,"%d",maxInitTime.h); else sprintf(maxInitTimeHourPrint,"0%d",maxInitTime.h); if (maxInitTime.m>9) sprintf(maxInitTimeMinutePrint,"%d",maxInitTime.m); else sprintf(maxInitTimeMinutePrint,"0%d",maxInitTime.m); printf("Day #%d: the longest nap starts at %s:%s and will last for ",kase++,maxInitTimeHourPrint,maxInitTimeMinutePrint); if (maxNapTimer>=60) printf("%d hours and %d minutes.\n",(int)maxNapTimer/60,maxNapTimer%60); else printf("%d minutes.\n",maxNapTimer); } return 0; }
Monday, September 05, 2011
[UVa] 10591 - Happy Number
Kept a table of happy and unhappy numbers. Once a number is found to be unhappy/happy the whole sequence that is left behind has the same property. I tagged them out using a stack.
Kept a table of happy and unhappy numbers. Once a number is found to be unhappy/happy the whole sequence that is left behind has the same property. I tagged them out using a stack.
/* --------------------------> BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM <------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------> Tafhim Ul Islam [ CSE-09@IIUC ] <--------------------------- */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #define MI INT_MAX #define ULONG unsigned long long #define LLONG long long #define swap(a,b) {int t=a ; a=b ; b=t; } #define sz(a) sizeof(a) #define FOR(i, a, b) for (i=a ; i<b ; i++) #define QSORT(a,n,s,f) qsort(a,n,sizeof(s),f) using namespace std; map<int,int> ver; int sqrs[10]; int digSum(int n) { int sum=0; while (n) { sum+=sqrs[(n%10)]; n/=10; } return sum; } int sqr() { int i; for (i=0 ; i<=9 ; i++) { sqrs[i]=i*i; } return 0; } int findIf(int n) { int j; int stat; if (ver[n]==3) return 3; map<int,bool> vis; stack<int> list; for (j=digSum(n) ; ; j=digSum(j)) { list.push(j); if (vis[j] || ver[j]==1) { stat=1; break; } if (ver[j]==3) { ver[n]=3; stat=3; break; } if (j==1) { ver[n]=3; stat=3; break; } if (j==n) { stat=1; break; } vis[j]=true; } while (!list.empty()) { ver[list.top()]=stat; list.pop(); } return stat; } int main() { sqr(); int test, inp, kase=1; scanf("%d",&test); while (test--) { scanf("%d",&inp); printf("Case #%d: ",kase++); if (findIf(inp)==3) printf("%d is a Happy number.\n",inp); else printf("%d is an Unhappy number.\n",inp); } return 0; }
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