Kept a table of happy and unhappy numbers. Once a number is found to be unhappy/happy the whole sequence that is left behind has the same property. I tagged them out using a stack.
/* --------------------------> BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM <------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------> Tafhim Ul Islam [ CSE-09@IIUC ] <--------------------------- */ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <map> #include <stack> #include <queue> #include <cstdlib> #include <vector> #include <climits> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #define MI INT_MAX #define ULONG unsigned long long #define LLONG long long #define swap(a,b) {int t=a ; a=b ; b=t; } #define sz(a) sizeof(a) #define FOR(i, a, b) for (i=a ; i<b ; i++) #define QSORT(a,n,s,f) qsort(a,n,sizeof(s),f) using namespace std; map<int,int> ver; int sqrs[10]; int digSum(int n) { int sum=0; while (n) { sum+=sqrs[(n%10)]; n/=10; } return sum; } int sqr() { int i; for (i=0 ; i<=9 ; i++) { sqrs[i]=i*i; } return 0; } int findIf(int n) { int j; int stat; if (ver[n]==3) return 3; map<int,bool> vis; stack<int> list; for (j=digSum(n) ; ; j=digSum(j)) { list.push(j); if (vis[j] || ver[j]==1) { stat=1; break; } if (ver[j]==3) { ver[n]=3; stat=3; break; } if (j==1) { ver[n]=3; stat=3; break; } if (j==n) { stat=1; break; } vis[j]=true; } while (!list.empty()) { ver[]=stat; list.pop(); } return stat; } int main() { sqr(); int test, inp, kase=1; scanf("%d",&test); while (test--) { scanf("%d",&inp); printf("Case #%d: ",kase++); if (findIf(inp)==3) printf("%d is a Happy number.\n",inp); else printf("%d is an Unhappy number.\n",inp); } return 0; }
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