Sunday, January 27, 2013

[Fix] Codeblocks-Contrib install problem (libhunspell)

When you're installing Code::Blocks contrib packages using apt, at some point you might face the issue of unsatisfied dependencies for
cscope etc...
Even though you can install all the other packages manually using just the names provided in the error messages you cannot install the libhunspell package. There's an obvious reason for this. It's not in any Ubuntu repositories. To address this issue, you have to do as follows
1. Go to [ ]
2. Download the .deb package for your respective architecture.
3. Using Terminal, go to the directory where you stored the .deb file and install it using
sudo dpkg -i <package-name>.deb
4. Now go for installing the Contrib package again, it should go smooth.


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Thanks! I'm a bit of a linux (mint) beginner and I gave up on this a little while ago, thought I'd have another bash and found this. Works great, cheers!


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