Friday, February 17, 2012

Vibes of vi

Well, as a real late bloomer into the Linux distro I've suddenly gotten an urge to use VI. A command based text editor. I started learning it today using the page [ How to use the vi Editor ]. A really nice tutorial to kick it off. At first I thought "Why?? When I have so many good editors that know what a mouse is and have integrated command line support??". The answer came in when I first use the command
It immediately caught my attention, what I could do with it. I could use it in my coding for so many occurrences. Whenever G++ served me with any error, I could search for it using
/ (slash)
And replace it with this command.
I'm currently learning more detailed stuff on this. Hope to replace GUI based IDEs with it someday.

Command Summary

vi filename    edit a file named "filename"
vi newfile     create a new file named "newfile"
i            insert text left of cursor
a            append text right of cursor
h            left one space
j            down one line
k            up one line
l            right one space
x         delete character
nx        delete n characters
X         delete character before cursor
dw        delete word
ndw       delete n words
dd        delete line
ndd       delete n lines
D         delete characters from cursor to end of line
r         replace character under cursor
cw        replace a word
ncw       replace n words
C         change text from cursor to end of line
o         insert blank line below cursor
(ready for insertion)
O         insert blank line above cursor
(ready for insertion)
J         join succeeding line to current cursor line
nJ        join n succeeding lines to current cursor line
u         undo last change
U         restore current line
w            forward word by word
b            backward word by word
$            to end of line
0 (zero)     to beginning of line
H            to top line of screen
M            to middle line of screen
L            to last line of screen
G            to last line of file
1G           to first line of file
f   scroll forward one screen
b   scroll backward one screen
d   scroll down one-half screen
u   scroll up one-half screen
n            repeat last search in same direction
N            repeat last search in opposite direction
ZZ            save file and then quit
:w            save file
:q!            discard changes and quit file

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