Sunday, January 27, 2013

Run Code::Blocks programs using Gnome-Terminal, Konsole etc.

Ok, so we all (mostly) love Code::Blocks. But using the XTerm window (the one you get to test your codes into) is a real pain (for me at least) in the ... Instead I wanted to use the default terminal that I use for commands. Now, I've been a user of Gnome-Terminal for quite sometime and now have shifted to KDE. So now I use Konsole. Finding the exact attribute string is a bit annoying after each install so here's a collection. I'll add more when I use more.
For Konsole:
konsole --workdir $WORKDIR --title $TITLE -e

For Gnome - Terminal
gnome-terminal $TITLE -x

For X-Term
xterm -T $TITLE -e

Eragon0605: [ ]
jens: [,11245.msg76596.html#msg76596 ]


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    thank you so much!

  2. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Thanks for sharing friend


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